Voice of Rukban

Voice of Rukban is a local-run media platform that reports on news directly from the Rukban IDP camp in Syria. It is the only way the besieged people of Rukban can report on conditions in the camp, communicate their stories with the world, and have their voices heard.

Rukban Hope Pharmacy

The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) is a non-profit organization that serves as the camp's only source of essential medicine and life-saving supplies. The SETF's no-cost Hope Pharmacy is stocked with medicine, baby formula, and specific treatments for children to combat the high rate of child mortality in the camp. As the only organization operating in the camp, its presence has been vital to the survival of its residents.

The Hope Pharmacy provides over 80% of Rukban camp's basic medicine and baby formula.

The Voice of Rukban is sponsored by the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) non-profit organization. SETF operates a no-cost pharmacy that serves as the camp’s only source of essential medicine and life-saving supplies.